The series "Deffchonki" are 10 years old: as there was a private life and career of main characters
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Past year the popular Russian series celebrated the decade. The premiere of the project took place in April of the 2012th. Action in it is developed under a slogan: Everything that you wanted to know about little girls, but were afraid to ask. Throughout the whole ten years the domestic audience enjoys meetings with heroines "Deffchonok" - by the careerist Shvimmer Catherina (Palna), the rich men hunter Rzhevskaya Olga (Cherish), "the stepfordsky wife" Bobylkina Maria (Bobylychem) and her younger sister Bobylkina Vasilisa (Vaskoy). For five seasons by it were fallen in love not only stories and characters of heroines, but also...
Anastasia Denisova
Last position: Actress, singer, designer, TV host
Paulina Maksimova
Last position: Actress
Nikita Konstantinovich Lobintsev
Last position: The professional athlete on swimming
Galina Bob
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater named after Mossoveta")
Shkola-studiya Mkhat
Main activity:Culture and sports