The Round table on the subject "Potential of Interaction Russian Federation and China for Achievement of a Carbon Neutrality 2060"] took plac

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For implementation of the concept of steady developments and assistance of realization of the purpose of "zero emission of carbon" the round table organized by the Russian academy of transport and the Russian university transports together with Harbin engineering university on the subject "Potential of Interaction Russian Federation and China for Achievement of a Carbon Neutrality 2060" took place on October 26, 2022. Action was organized for the purpose of an exchange of opinions and experiment on questions of a carbon neutrality, studying of potential of the Russian-Chinese cooperation for purpose advance "a carbon neutrality" For participation in...
Oleg Yefimov
Last position: Director of management of development of business of JSC Multikarta
Alexander Misharin
Trofimenko Yu. V.
State technical university