Edouard Nikolaevich Artemyev buried the composer on the Vagankovsky cemetery

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Edouard Nikolaevich Artemyev passed a funeral of the composer today, on December 31, on the Vagankovsky cemetery. Farewell and burial service took place in the temple "Big Rise" on Bolshoy Nikitskaya Street, reports Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The director Nikita Mikhalkov on farewell to the composer Edouard Nikolaevich Artemyev the Photo: Ilya Pitalev / Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" the National actor Russian Federation died at the age of 85 years on December 29. At the beginning of a month it delivered in one of capital hospitals with Koronavirus, reports agency. The son of the composer Artemy Artemyev said that his father was in reanimation because of the complications which have arisen against treatment from...