Yvan Kokorin from "the 9th company" and "Chekago" will arrive on February 21 to Republic of Khakassia

@Gazeta "Hakasija"
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Photo: Postoyannoe predstavitelstvo in Moscow At inhabitants Republic of Khakassia is unique opportunity to see the known actor Yvan Kokorin as at cinema, and in reality. The day before it met Julia Ismagilova and suggested it to become the guest of the republic. Very soon, on February 21, in Abakan its concert program will be presented. Many know the actor according to the movie "Brother 2", brilliant roles in the movies "9 company", "Last Armored Train", the Brothers Karamazov" and many others. One week earlier, on February 11, in the capital of the republic display, perhaps, the most intriguing film premiere with its participation will take place-...