Robin Rianna Fenti, Quentin Jerome Tarantino and Jason Stetkhem: the stars which have become parents in 2022

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Leaving 2022 was given rich not only for family scandals of celebrities, but also for the happy moments in lives of stars. About the actors which families replenished for this year, – in material REN TV. Winter: Kayli Kristen Dzhenner and Travis Scott, Jason Stetkhem and Rosie Hantington-Uaytli parents became on February 2 at once two couples – model Kayli Kristen Dzhenner and the rapper Travis Scott, and also the actor Stetkhem Jason and an angel of Victoria's Secret Rosie Hantington-Uaytli. Kayli Kristen Dzhenner gave birth to the second son to whom spouses initially named Vulf, however in March they decided to change the decision. Jason Stetkhem also became a father in the second...
Robin Rianna Fenti (Rianna)
Last position: Singer, amateur performer, producer, actress
Quentin Jerome Tarantino
Last position: Film director, screenwriter, actor, film producer
Jason Steytem
Last position: Actor
Kylie Kristen Dzhenner
Last position: Model, businessman
Zhak Berman Uebster II (Travis Scott)
Last position: Musician, musical producer
Victoria's Secret
Main activity:Production of consumer goods