The ceremony of farewell to Vladimir Ilyich Luskanov took place on the Troyekurovsky cemetery

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The head information services Kultura TV channel Vladimir Ilyich Luskanov died on December 28 at the age of 67 years. The ceremony of farewell to the head of management of information programs of our TV channel Vladimir Ilyich Luskanov took place today on the Troyekurovsky cemetery. Vladimir Ilyich Luskanov died on December 28 at the age of 67 years. He devoted the most part of life to television. In the 95th became the first correspondent who has received TEFI in the nominations "The Best Reporter" for reportings from Chechen Republic. In 2001st it developed the Vestie Moscow information program TV channel "Vesti-Moskva". Nine years headed management of information programs of TV channel...
Rifat Sabitov
Main activity:Field expert
Oleg Borisovich Dobrodeev
Last position: Director general (VGTRK)
Andrey Markovich Maksimov
Last position: The host "Observer" on Kultura channel (VGTRK)