Coupon rate, new release and results of placements

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"Dzhi-groups" established a coupon rate. JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GIDROMASHSERVIS" registered release. JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SOFTLINE TRADE" registered the program. "Anterra" confirmed a solvency rating. "PR-Leasing" summed up the results of offers. "Mosgorlombard", "Yuvelit", "IEK Holding", "Reinnolts" and "Solid Leasing" finished placements. 01 JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "DZHI-GRUPP"  established a rate of the coupon of bonds to a series 002R-02 of 1,5 billion rubles and circulation period of 1,5 years at the level of 14,5% per annum for the entire period. Collecting demands for release took place on December 27. The par value of one paper — 1000 rubles. On release depreciation is provided: 33,33%...
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