About 140 families in Rebriha district Altai Territory receive payments at the birth of the first-born

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In Altai Territory within the "Financial Support of Families at the Birth of Children" draft of the national Demography project parents who had a first-born, can submit the application for providing monthly monetary payments. So, in Rebriha district 138 families used this form of the state support, noted in Ministry social protection of Region. Among them Alexander and Helena Voronchikhina Voronchikhina. According to the head of the family, payments according to the national Demography project of steel for a family powerful support. "With the advent of our daughter life became happier. It is good that the government in...
Helena Voronchikhina
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moscow city theater "Masterskaya P. N. Fomenko")
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Ministry social protection of Region
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