In birthday of ZMS USSR Latynina Larissa - "Legends of domestic gymnastics - the Gymnast of an eyelid - Latynina Larissa "

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Latynina Larissa Zasluzhennyi ̆ the master of sports of the USSR Zasluzhennyi ̆ the trainer Zasluzhennyi ̆ the worker physical ̆ cultures of Russian Federation the Ninefold olimpiisky champion Obladatelnitsa of eighteen olimpiisky medals ̆ the Double all-around champion of the world the Repeated world champion, Europe the Owner of a cup of the USSR the All-around champion of the USSR, Japan the Gentleman of the award "For Merits before the Fatherland" of III and the IV degree Was born on December 27, 1934 in the city of Kherson in Ukraine. The father – Diriya ̆ Semyon Andreevich (1906–1943), the participant Velikoi ̆ Otechestvennoi ̆ voiny, was lost in Stalingradskoi ̆...