KR-2022. The cup Russian Federation came to the end with a victory of sablistka Moscow

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In a final type of the program of the Cup Russian Federation 2022 in Smolensk, team competitions in a saber among women, gold medals won fencers of the first national team Moscow Bazhenova Anastasiya, Olga Nikitin, Podpaskova Eugenie and Svetlana Sheveleva. Tournament "was closed" by a meeting of the first teams Moscow and Novosibirsk Region. From first seconds on a path persistent fight was developed. Muscovites Svetlana Sheveleva and Olga Nikitin won the first two fights with the identical score 5:4. But Mikhaylova Alina nevertheless left the first circle for Siberians – 15:14. But then an initiative intercepted Muscovites...
Iana Yegoryan
Last position: The professional athlete on fencing
Bazhenova Anastasiya
Podpaskova Eugenie
Federatsiya fekhtovaniya