Educational course "Treatment of Patients with an Ischemic Stroke"

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From November 1 to November 3, 2022 on the basis of the Federal center of a brain and neurotechnologies Federal Medicobiological Agency (Moscow) will complete the fourth educational year "Treatment of Patients with an Ischemic Stroke". In the course program questions of endovascular methods of diagnostics and therapy of patients of this category, and also modern approaches of medical rehabilitation of the patients who have had a stroke. Action takes place within cooperation of the Federal center of a brain and neurotechnologies Federal Medicobiological Agency and ASSOCIATION ENDOVASKULYARNYKH NEYROKHIRURGOV NAMED AFTER AKADEMIKA F. A. SERBINENKO (RENS). Reports will be made by leaders Russian and...
Galina Ivanova
Last position: Manager of department of medical rehabilitation of faculty of additional professional education (FGBOU VO TO RNIM NAMED AFTER N. I. PIROGOVA MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
Orlov Kirill
Yakovlev Sergei Borisovich
Kandyba Dimitri
Savello Alexander