Where now "East", "Adrenaline" and other forgotten groups of the 90th: destinies of actors

@Novyj ochag
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It would seem, these collectives remained long ago in the past... But it at all so. "East" "Mirages — is our life" — in 1996 this song was sung, apparently, by all. Yudchits Larissa and Sigaeva Natalia — so called the first vocalists who have written down it in studio. After several experiments with the name (who remembers now East Meets West? ) the Vostok group became famous for unpretentious songs in Ace of Base style. Andrey Rusakovsky played on keyboard, Filippov Gennady was responsible for arrangements. YouTube Press and look Young group signed contract with the producer Alexander Tolmatsky, Detsl's father, wrote down...
Alexander Tolmatsky
Main activity:Show business personality
Yudchits Larissa
Sigaeva Natalia
Filippov Gennady
Manufactured by:Google