KR-2022. Olga Nikitin] became the best sablistka of tournamen

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The Muscovite Olga Nikitin the second time in the career became the owner of the Cup Russian Federation on fencing on sabers. In a final duel of tournament which passed in Smolensk, Olga Nikitin beat the winner of last year's competitions Svetlana Sheveleva – 15:9. The quarterfinal boundary was insuperable to two double Olympic champions: winners Igr to Rio de Janeiro Iana Yegoryan and the victor of the Olympic Games to Tokyo Sophia Pozdnyakova. Sophia Pozdnyakova ceded to the girlfriend on "gold" team Tokyo to Olga Nikitin – 10:15, and Iana Yegoryan did not consult with perfectly acting in this season...