Sofya Konukh will take part in elections of chapter of FEDERATSIYA VODNOGO POLO Russian Federation

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Moscow, 24 Dec - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". Sharonov Eugenie, Sergei Mikhaylovich Naumov, Sergei Nikolaevich Garbuzov and Sofya Konukh are approved as presidential candidates of FVPR, it is reported on an organization site. Meeting of the working group on preparation for the FVPR conference took place on Friday. Elections will pass at presidium meeting on Saturday. The incumbent president of FVPR is Vlasenko Aleksey. Basmanny district court of Moscow in the middle of March, 2021 sent Vlasenko Aleksey to a pre-trial detention center on charge of fraud in especially large size, to it threatens till 10 years of imprisonment. Plot of criminal case officially not...
Sofya Konukh
Last position: The deputy director — the head of department of state policy in the field of physical culture and sport (Depsport of the autonomous district Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra)
Sergei Mikhaylovich Naumov
Last position: The commentator of water polo on TV Match TV channel (LLC "NATSIONALNY SPORTIVNY TELEKANAL")
Sergei Nikolaevich Garbuzov
Last position: Director of a sports and improving complex (FGBOU VO "RGSU", RGSU, RUSSIAN FEDERATION STATE SOCIAL UNIVERSITY)
Sharonov Eugenie
Vlasenko Aleksey
Main activity:Culture and sports