Praudin Anatoly puts "Chamber No. 6" as reflection "about normal life"

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Today and tomorrow, on December 23 and 24, on the Small scene of Baltic House Theatre festival there will take place a premiere of performance Praudin Anatoly "Chamber No. 6" (work of the Experimental scene under the direction of Praudin Anatoly). In the description of a premiere it is told that "Chamber No. 6" in interpretation Praudin Anatoly becomes "a mirror, to look in which at the same time and is disturbing, and it is incredibly interesting". This performance – reflection about responsibility of each person for the world around and confidence that any attempt to change life is useless. According to authors of statement, such confidence – only widespread...
Victor Bugakov
Last position: Actor (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)
Konstantin Aleksandrovich Anisimov
Last position: Actor (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Theater festival "Baltiysky dom")
Praudin Anatoly
Kovrin Andrey