In Zabaykalsky Territory the man, trying to set fire to a military registration and enlistment office in day of the announcement of mobilization] is fine

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The inhabitant of the village Kyra Zabaykalsky Territory Saltanov Anton received a penalty of 20 thousand rubles under article about discredit of the Russian army (p.1 Art. 20.3.3 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences). It threw a bottle with gas mixture in a local military registration and enlistment office in day of the announcement of partial mobilization. "Saltanov Anton, testing negative attitude to carrying out partial mobilization, in the night of September 22, 2022 threw a bottle with oily incendiary mix on a facade of buildings a military registration and enlistment office Aksha district and Kyra district. The bottle broke, appearance of buildings was spoiled, in one of offices of buildings oil spots were found and...