Grief trouble: at once 2 football players of "Chelsea" come back from rents, having achieved nothing. One more in doubt

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In the summer of 2022 of "Chelsea" sent not one, and at all two, and at once three football players to rent in "Khall City". This is Veyl Harvey, Saymons Javier and Nathan Dzhozef Bakster. "Tigers" under the direction of Shota Yustinovich Arveladze well began a season, having won 2 victories and 2 draw in Chempionship's first four matches. However then everything sharply changed to the worst – the team lost 8 of 10 subsequent duels. Shota Yustinovich Arveladze, in turn, lost work. Instead of it the former player "Khall City" Liam James Rosenyor became the head coach. The mentor proved to be not much better, than Shota Yustinovich Arveladze, and the club now is on the 21st place...