Actors Chulpan Khamatova and Arthur Smolyaninov acted in the new clip of group "A foot reduced! "

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A frame from the movie | "Samara-2" Musical group "A foot reduced! " on December 20 submitted the new song "With New Year 2017, the sonny! ", in the clip to which there were actors Chulpan Khamatova and Arthur Smolyaninov. The video was shot by the director Mikhail Segal. Actors acted as a married couple. For one of scenes in soul celebrities even had to play the naked. According to a plot of the anti-Russian clip, heroes are compelled to meet New Year 2017 without the only son. Remembering the child, they prepare for him a separate plate and pour drink...
Chulpan Khamatova
Last position: Actress
Arthur Smolyaninov
Last position: Actor
Mikhail Segal
Last position: Film director, screenwriter, writer