The oldest daughter Pikasso Pablo died — her portraits can be seen in several pictures of the artist

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The oldest daughter of Spanish and the French artist Pikasso Pablo Ruis Maia - Pikasso Pablo died, the Parisian newspaper "Le Figaro" writes. The death came yesterday, on December 20, the edition does not report about its reasons. Ruis Maia - Pikasso Pablo died at the age of 87 years in an environment of the family. At it remained three children. So coincided that exhibition devoted to it now takes place in Museum Pikasso Pablo in Paris. Ruis Maia - Pikasso Pablo (nee Maria La Concepción Pikasso Pablo) was born on September 5, 1935. This is the only child from the union of the artist and his model and a muse Maria - Valter Teresa. In total at it was four...
Pikasso Pablo
Ruis Maia
Valter Teresa
Vidmayer Ollivier