On December 16, 2022 in the assembly hall of Academy the solemn evening devoted to the 10 anniversary museums by Seaside GSHA] took plac

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On December 16, 2022 in the assembly hall of Academy the solemn evening devoted to the 10 anniversary museums by Seaside GSHA took place. Evenings historians of academy and founders museums Gnatovskaya Ye. N. and Pavlenko A. I. were conducting. Manager. museum Gnatovskaya Ye. N. thanked AHCh crew for high-quality repair museums, noted work of the press center Shevchuk D. M. and Topchy O. R. for publicizing of work museums and creation of two movies about museum, and also scientific department Lenevich O. V. for the printing of the fine booklet in honor of the 10 anniversary museums...
Sergei Aleksandrovich Korobov
Main activity:Politician
Gnatovskaya Ye. N.
Pavlenko A. I.
Topchy O. R.
Lenevich O. V.