The animation series "Velma" about the girlfriend Scooby Doo come to Home Box Office Inc Max on January 12

@Afisha Daily
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The animation series "Velma" devoted by one of heroines of animated and the film franchize about adventures of Scooby Doo, leave on strimingovy service of Home Box Office Inc Max on January 12. About it reported Deadline. Shaw will tell Velma Dinkli's story — the underestimated clear head from the Scooby-Doo Mystery Inc team. Founders of series promise that it in an original and comic key will acquaint the audience with the colourful and difficult past of the heroine. The leading role in the project will be sounded by Mindi Kaling, known according to series "Office" and the movie "Ouchene's Eight Girlfriends". Also in show will take part Constance Wu, Sam Richardson, Glenn Hauerton...
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