A star of "the House of the Dragon" Olivia Kate Cook told about the most difficult scene in series

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The British actress Olivia Kate Cook told about the most difficult scene in series "House of the Dragon". About it reports edition about events from the world of cinema "The Hollywood Reporter". Olivia Kate Cook called a scene with a slap in the face of the heaviest in the project. Her heroine Alisenta Haytauer hit the son Eygon for rape of the servant. The actress admitted that to her was difficult to do harm to the colleague Tom Glinn-Karni. "The volume told me: "Simply hit me". For the first time I got to it to a chin. And it such: "No, simply attack on me", and I, devil take it, made it. And so that the sound from a slap in the face was distributed by an echo on all hall, and my palm zapulsirovala" —...