Floods in the south Thailand after abnormal rains

@Zemlja. Hroniki Zhizni
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In the southern areas Thailand in 24 hours on December 18, 2022 dropped out more than 500 mm of a precipitation. The department on prevention of natural disasters and mitigation of their consequences (DDPM) reported Thailand Tkhammarat, Province of Trang, Pkhattalung, Satun, Province of Songkhla, Pattani, Yala and Naratkhivat. In total 49 areas and 51 543 households suffered. Most of all Naratkhivat, Nakhon of Sakhon Si Tkhammarat and Province of Songkhla suffered. In Naratkhivat 3 persons were lost, being the washed-away flood waters, reports DDPM. Nearly 30 000 households in 13 areas suffered from...