On JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "STOYLENSKY MINING AND PROCESSING PLANT" told the names of the best engineers and masters of 2022

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On JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "STOYLENSKY MINING AND PROCESSING PLANT" summed up the results of the corporate competitions "Engineer of Year" and "Master of Year" among representatives of the enterprises of an extracting division PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "NLMK" – SGOKA, Stagdoka and Dolomite. Actions are aimed at development a creative initiative of employees, search of decisions for increase of efficiency of productions. "The engineer of year" On competition "The engineer of year" participants presented 13 collective and individual projects in three directions – "Increase of efficiency of productions", "Mining industry", "The power engineering specialist and resource-saving technologies". By results of internal protection...
Vladimir Prokoshin
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater named after Mossoveta")
Roman Nikolaevich Velikansky
Last position: Director of Directorate of personnel of the Ore Division (JSC "Stoylensky mining and processing plant")
Valery Knyazkin
Last position: Head of the district (Administration of the municipal district Chelno-Vershiny of the Samara region)
Volkov Rafail
Aksenov Vitaly
Main activity:Metallurgy and metal processing
JSC "Stoylensky mining and processing plant"
Main activity:Metallurgy and metal processing