The volleyball player Pavel Moroz for the second time is disqualified for a dope

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The volleyball player Pavel Moroz is disqualified for 15 months for violation of anti-doping rules. Such decision was made following the results of handed over to them in November of the doping test which has yielded positive result. The press service reports International federation of volleyball. According to International federation of volleyball, published on its official website, disqualification of the player is counted since January first, 2022 and will last till March 31 of the 2023rd. Let's note that for Pavel Moroz similar violation of anti-doping regulations becomes the second in career. In 2018 the volleyball player also handed over the positive...
Pavel Moroz
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball in Neftyanik club (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "BK "ORENBURZHYE")