In claim Prosecutor's office of Oktyabrsky city of the Republic of Bashkortostan the area are restored the rights of mother having many children for receiving a grant

@Novosti prokuratury RF
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Prosecutor's office of the Oktyabrsky district of the Volgograd region carried out an inspection according to the address of the 32-year-old local resident who is mother of four juvenile children. The woman reported about violation of the social rights. As appears from materials supervising check, mother having many children in May, 2022 addressed in State public institution TsSZN on of the Oktyabrsky district (further – GKU of LLC "CENTER SODEYSTVIYA METROLOGII") with the statement for appointment for sons of 5 and 6 years of monthly monetary payments on children aged from 3 till 7 years inclusive. By results of consideration of the address of GKU of LLC "CENTER SODEYSTVIYA METROLOGII" the decision on refusal in appointment is made...