Relatives look for the gone 54-year-old resident of Murmansk

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In Murmansk look for Andrey Ivanovich Lepekhin 1968 year of birth. Since fall of 2021 he does not contact the native. So far its location is not known. Everything who can give any information on the missing, ask to call by police phones: 8 (8152) 40-61-10, 02 or 102, or in search group "Murmanspas": 8-911-311-70-20 or 8-981-300-27-59 (round the clock). Let's remind, also in Roslyakovo's Murmansk residential district look for Serebryakova Alexander who since November 8 ceased to contact the native...
Andrey Ivanovich Lepekhin
Last position: Head of the municipality (Meeting predstaviteley m. o. Kireyevsk district)
Serebryakova Alexander