"Litres" carries out the first rebranding in 17 years

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Soderzhaniyepokazateli activity 2021: Revenue growth from B2C-sales for 33% the History 2022 Rebranding Start of Interview of business portal "TAdviser.ru" with the director of the department of IT Pavel Petrovich Kamnev 2021: Availability of a content on a platform "Book Huawei" 2020: Growth of revenue by 32% 2019 Growth of revenue by 43,5% Acquisition of 51% of the stocks Estonian Digital Book Centre 2017: Share of the market to Russian Federation - 60% Watch also Company Litres founded in 2005, Commonwealth of Independent States works at the market of license electronic books to Russian Federation and the countries. group of companies "Litres" includes projects Litres, MyBook, Livelib, Litres: Samizdat, Litres: Reader...
Artemy Lebedev
Last position: CEO (LLC Art. Lebedev Studio)
Kamnev Pawel
Anuryev Sergei
Kim Yuly
Gaydukevich Wladyslaw
Main activity:Communication and IT
LLC Art. Lebedev Studio
Main activity:Communication and IT
Kantar TNS
Yandex LLC
Main activity:Communication and IT