Plenum of the Supreme Vessels adopted two resolutions on a number of criminal offenses

@Verhovnyj Sud RF
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Plenum Supreme Court of the Russian Federation at meeting by means of web conference adopted on December 15, 2022 two resolutions. In particular, the resolution "About some questions of jurisprudence on criminal cases about crimes in the sphere of computer information, and also other crimes committed with use of electronic or information and telecommunication networks, including the <14> Internet network was approved considered at Plenum meeting on November 8, 2022. The resolution containing two sections, is devoted to crimes in the sphere of computer information. Will blow off to pay attention on...
Valentine Nikolaevich Aleksandrov
Last position: The chairman 3 judicial structures of Judicial board on administrative cases (Supreme Court of the Russian Federation)
Tatyana Yermolaev
Last position: The judge of Judicial board on criminal cases (Supreme Court of the Russian Federation)
Agafonova Elizabeth
Ovcharova Helena
Arkhipov Andrey
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