Elmira Khaymurzina took part in organizational meeting IK CHR

@TsIK Rossii
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On December 13, 2022 the member Election commission of Tsentralny of the Russian Federation Elmira Khaymurzina took part in organizational meeting IK CHR structure of 2022-2027 which took place in Grozny. Let's remind that at meeting on December 2, 2022 according to the offer Elmira Khaymurzina Election commission of Tsentralny of the Russian Federation recommended IK CHR candidate Umar Baykhanov for its election for a position of the chairman of the commission. IK CHR following the results of ballot supported nomination Election commission of Tsentralny of the Russian Federation, having unanimously elected the chairman of the commission Umar Baykhanov...
Umar Baykhanov
Last position: Chairman (IK CHR)
Elmira Khaymurzina
Last position: Member of the commission (Election commission of Tsentralny of the Russian Federation)
Saraliev Abdulkhakim