The governor and the military commissar Moscow Region will help the Russian fighter with rehabilitation after captivity

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Mother of the serviceman contacted during the air chapter Moscow Region. The governor Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov and the military commissioner Astakhov Aleksey promised to mother of the Russian fighter Nina Nesterova to help with rehabilitation of her son after the Ukrainian captivity, reports TV channel "360 °". The woman contacted Andrey Vorobyov during the air on radio Sputnik. According to the inhabitant Moscow Region, Nesterov Sergei was mobilized and sent to a zone of special military operation in October. In November it became known that the serviceman appeared in captivity. Already on December 6 the Russian fighter returned in...
Andrey Vorobyev
Last position: Governor (Government of the Moscow region)
Nina Nesterova
Main activity:Field expert
Astakhov Aleksey
Nesterov Sergei
Bednyakov Pawel