Elektronnaya versiya gazety Politico: corruption scandal in European Parliament will increase popularity far right

@Moskovskij komsomolets
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Journalists of Elektronnaya versiya gazety Politico consider that corruption scandal over ChM-2022 in Qatar in anticipation of Elections in the European parliament will increase popularity of such far right politicians, as Victor Orban and Marine Le Pen. The edition writes, far right leaders chose the best moment to oppose itself mixed in corruption to establishment of EU who gave to the colleagues lectures about the rule of law. Philipp Ollivier, the deputy of EP and the assistant Marine Le Pen, declared that EU teaches and Hungary, and Poland, and the European agency on safety Frontex borders. EU, by words Philipp Ollivier, ― is huge rule-making...
Victor Orban
Last position: Prime minister (Government of Hungary)
Marine Le Pen (Marine Le Pen)
Last position: Deputy of the constituency of department of Strait of Dover (National assembly France)