Experts called the directions in which the state has to assume a regulator role

@Forpost Severo-Zapad
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Speech of the rector SPGU GORNY UNIVERSITY Vladimir Stefanovich Litvinenko at the International forum "Environmental management and preservation of the world natural heritage", devoted to need of strengthening of a role of the state for regulation of a mineral and raw complex, caused a wide public response. Scientists, politicians and heads of the profile companies are unambiguous in the estimates: the government is simply obliged to develop transparent and effective strategy of managements processes of production and processing of resources. And to offer subsoil users such "rules of the game" which would be...
Vladimir Stefanovich Litvinenko
Last position: Rector (SPGU, GORNYY UNIVERSITY)
Sergei Petrovich Filippov
Last position: Director (INEI RAN)
Alexander Natalenko
Last position: Chairman of the board of directors of JSC Novatek (PJSC Novatek)
Alexander Shadrikov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Sergei Yemelchenkov
Last position: CEO (LLC "TSIFRA")