To Russian Federation created not having analogs in the world an allergy vaccine on cats

@Ledi Mail.Ru
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FGAOU VO PERVY MGMU NAMED AFTER I. M. SECHENOVA MINZDRAVA RUSSIA (SECHENOVSKY UNIVERSITY): an allergy vaccine on cats successfully passed preclinical researches. Source: information agency "Reuters" an allergy Vaccine on cats, development which were conducted by scientists from FGAOU VO PERVY MGMU NAMED AFTER I. M. SECHENOVA MINZDRAVA RUSSIA (SECHENOVSKY UNIVERSITY) together with colleagues from the Vienna medical universities, successfully passed preclinical researches and is ready to clinical tests. About it reports Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti", referring to the press service FGAOU VO PERVY MGMU NAMED AFTER I. M. SECHENOVA MINZDRAVA RUSSIA (SECHENOVSKY UNIVERSITY). "Over creation of a preparation two teams — in Moscow and in Vienna worked" — the project manager, the head of the department of clinical immunology and Sechenovsky's allergology told...