The prosecutor of Kalinin JSC <3> of Tyumen Eugenie Kondrashkin visited a building site of new schools

@Novosti prokuratury RF
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The prosecutor of Kalinin JSC <3> of Tyumen Eugenie Kondrashkin left on a building site of new schools on 1200 places near streets Bushuyev's Arkticheskaya-Yamburgsky journey Andrey of Tyumen, construction which carries out LLC "SIPEK". Construction of object is carried out within the regional project "Modern School" of the national project "Education". Construction schools is begun in the 4th quarter 2021, a completion date on object - the 3rd quarter 2023. Within departure with the project manager LLC "SIPEK" Andrey Kruglov discussed a course of construction works, observance of established periods...
Eugenie Kondrashkin
Last position: Prosecutor (Prosecutor's office of the Tyumen region)
Andrey Kruglov