At us here the new budgetary smartphone for 7 thousand rubles. And still model from 6/128, Contactless technologies and 50 Megapixels for 12 tyshch
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Hold couple of interesting facts about smartphones. First, if in shop lie two smartphone from one series (well, any two iPhone 13, two Galaxy S22, etc.), it is not so obligatory that they are similar — most likely pluses and minuses at them different. And still: if there is a new series of smartphones — it not necessarily seriously differs from the previous. And at us here both rules visually are confirmed — on the example of two new budgetary Infiniksov. We took the budgetary HOT 20i which from quite decent 4/64 GB and 5000 mach sell for 7 thousand rubles on the test. And HOT 20, at which as you see in heading...