China and Uzbekistan ? Double bottom of the gas union

@Telekanal Tsar'grad
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Dmitry Peskov called incorrect information on refusal Uzbekistan from the gas union with Russian Federation. The expert told, what relation to it China and as it will affect plans Russian Federation has. The idea of the tripartite gas alliance Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan does not mean any political conditions, the representative of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov declared. Situation for Tsargrad the member of the committee on power strategy and development commented on energy industry of Chamber of commerce & industry Russia, chamber of commerce & industry RF Rustam Tankaev. Earlier news agency information agency "Reuters" reported that Uzbekistan allegedly refused the gas union with Russian Federation because of...
Dmitry Peskov
Last position: Deputy head, Russian President's Press Secretary (Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation)
Rustam Tankaev
Last position: CEO (CJSC "InfoTEK-Terminal")