Experts estimated reorientation PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" on new sales markets

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PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" most effectively compensated decrease in deliveries of production to Europe growth of sales in the markets Asia, general director the analytical center of INOTEK Rustam Tankaev noted, having studied the report the oil companies following the results of work in January-September. "It is so-called "turn on the East" which realization management of companies started long before introduction by the West of illegal sanctions restrictions. Simply because it is more favorable: and the price give good, and demand grows" — the expert told...
Rustam Tankaev
Last position: CEO (CJSC "InfoTEK-Terminal")
Aleev Yegor
Krutakov Leonid
Andrianova Valeria
PJSC Rosneft
Main activity:Mining
Finance university, Financial university
Main activity:Science and education