The 2nd stage of the Right for Business project] took plac

@Al'jans Media
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Within the federal project "Right for Business" for pupils of the Kazan schools No. 7, 78, 136, 161, 1 and 4 passed Days of career. As initiators of the project Ingka Centres to Russian Federation and Regional non-governmental association of disabled people "Perspektiva" act company. The partner of the project to Kazan — CHU DPO "The city center of educations". Main objective "Day of career" - creation and expansion of opportunities of teenagers with OVZ and disability in vocational guidance on a modern labor market, acquisition of skills of self-determination in the future profession. At schools meetings with known people with disabilities, such as were held: Irina Polyakov...
Rudakova Anastasia
Zavalishin Aleksey
Regional non-governmental association of disabled people "Perspektiva"