Intel cut off salaries the private of the employee for 5%, to tops - for 15%. In total because of crisis to United States of America

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Soderzhaniye2023: Reduction of salaries the private of the employee for 5%, to tops - for 15% of 2022 Intel sends thousands employees on unpaid leave because of a collapse of demand for computers Reduction of 20% of staff because of a collapse of the business 2021 V of United States of America Intel sends all not vaccinated employees on leaves holiday Inoculative liberalism in the world of large IT business: why Intel does not force employees to vaccination from Koronavirus? Payment means vaccinated from Koronavirus to the employees Gelsinger Pat to a position of head of Intel 2019 Will lock Appointment to communication with employees of Huawei Robert Suon —...
Brian Krzhanich
Last position: CEO (ADP)
Gelsinger Pat
Berr Eddy
Montgomeri Bruce
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Main activity:Science and education
Main activity:Communication and IT
Main activity:Communication and IT