To the Art magazine − quarter of the century

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25 years ago in the Republic of Komi Fits there was a literary and publicistic, historical and culturological, art illustrated magazine "Art". In showroom the National museums the Republics of Komi Fits exhibition the "Art factor", dated for quarter-century anniversary of the magazine opened. Exhibition tells about activity the magazine with help pictures. On walls of a hall of the museum names of the artists which works were published in the constant section of the Art-fakt magazine are presented. All pictures are distributed on two blocks: ethnographic and historical. As soundtrack of exhibitions the literary serve...
Innokenty Ivanov
Last position: Journalist, TV host, screenwriter, director
Youri Nikolaevich Lisovsky
Last position: Artist, photographer, philosopher, inventor
Komi Fits
Zherebtsov I. L.
Limerov P. F.