The football player Costa - Yeltsin Riki Technical food explained the name

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The halfback of the national team Costa - Yeltsin Riki Technical food told why it called quite so. He admitted that his name is really connected with a surname the first President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin, writes "newspaper "Sport-express"". "My parents very much liked a surname President of the Russian Federation for this reason me so called", – he told. According to him, he badly knows the biography Boris Yeltsin, only as a whole represents who is he such. However the football player emphasized that he very much likes his name. to Boris Yeltsin Technical food of 30 years, he plays for football club of the country Football club "Erediano", and also for a national team since 2011...
Yeltsin Ignasio Tekheda Valverde
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Erediano")
Yeltsin Riki