Zabaykaltsa vote for Alexander Galushka in the Award of "ROSSIYSKOYE ASSOCIATION "ZNANIYE"

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Popular vote of one of the main educational awards Russian Federation, will come to the end with the founded "ROSSIYSKOYE ASSOCIATION "ZNANIYE"" Alexander Galushka, the deputy secretary Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, the coauthor of the most sold book on economy to Russian Federation this year - Kristall rosta. "The educational Award "Knowledge" - 2022 became record on number of nominees: we received more than 6 thousand demands, it is twice more, than last year. Now in society are most demanded...
Alexander Galushka
Main activity:Official
Alexander Mikhaylovich Osipov
Last position: Governor (Government of the Zabaykalsky Territory)
Arthur Niyazmetov
Last position: Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District. (Office of the President'S Authorized Representative of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District)