The Belarusian cinematographers will take part in a film festival of the Countries of the commonwealth

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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In Moscow the 4th International film festival of the Countries of the commonwealth "The Moscow premiere" opened. The Belarusian movie will be shown in the Friendship of the People program Nikiforov Vyacheslav "Halcyon" to whom at the opening ceremony the prize for a contribution to a cinema is awarded. Nikiforov Vyacheslav was born in Kuban, graduated from the VGIK, in 1986-1994 - the head of the Belarusian union of cinematographers the Movie "Halcyon" - for all times and eras. The premiere of the film passed 50 years ago. On a plot one school student opened a subject of search of the legendary guerrilla. The boy and his schoolmates achieve that the name of it comes to life...