HPE lost $161 million because of turning businesses to Russian Federation and Belarus

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Soderzhaniyerukovodstvo Pokazateli activity 2022 Losses of $161 million because of leaving Russian Federation and Belarus Losses of $126 million because of leaving from Russian Federation 2021: Revenue growth to Russian Federation for 2,1% to 12 715 million rubles the History 2022 Claim on 557,6 million rubles from the Russian company Recognition invalid cancellation of service contracts, signed with "Construction and trade company Razvitiye" the Stop businesses to Russian Federation against special operation of VS Russian Federation in Ukraine 2020: Growth of revenue by 4,5% to 12 455 million rubles 2019: Growth of revenue by 4,6% to 11,9 billion rubles 2018: Revenue - 11,3 billion rubles of 2016 V to the five of the most popular in Russian Federation...
Antonio Neri
Last position: President of the company
Mikoyan Alexander
Kolesov Nicholas
PJSC Novatek
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
HP Inc
Main activity:Production of cars, equipment and vehicles
Main activity:Communication and IT
Dell Technologies
Main activity:Communication and IT