The brother of the Armenian prime minister had an accident in Yerevan

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Car brought down the brother of the prime minister Armenia Nikol Vovaevich Pashinyan Armen, the Zhokhovurd newspaper reports. According to mass media, road accidents happened on the suburb Yerevan. Pashinyan Armen brought down in Malatiya-Sebastiya's administrative region. The driver did not leave a scene. The brother of the Armenian prime minister with changes took to hospital. In August the Russian journalist and the media manager Manana Aslamazyan died at the age of 70 years after arrival cars in Yerevan. Manana Aslamazyan since 2001 was a part of Academy of the Russian television, from 2002 to 2007 worked at a position of the vice-president Natsionalnoy...
Nikol Vovaevich Pashinyan
Main activity:Politician
Manana Aslamazyan
Main activity:Official
Pashinyan Armen
Yesayants Asatur