weekly journal "Der Spiegel": at deputies of the Bundestag noses] freez

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weekly journal "Der Spiegel": at deputies of the Bundestag noses © the Photo freeze: Unsplash/Martin Guido Moscow, 27 November / Radio Sputnik. Because of economy of the electric power in premises of the German Bundestag some deputies and their colleagues should be warmed, writes weekly journal "Der Spiegel". Offices and conference rooms are heated only to 19 degrees, in some rooms temperature makes 18,2 degrees, and somewhere and than that is lower, corridors and the foyer are not warmed in general. The cochairman of fraction "Green" Kyunast Renate because of cold it is necessary to put on a down-padded coat. "I sat at office in a down-padded coat and constantly walked to and fro. That not...
Christian Lindner
Last position: Minister (Federal Ministry finance of Federal Republic Germany)
Сlara Geyvits
Last position: Minister (Federalnoye ministry housing, city development and construction of Federal Republic Germany)
Kyunast Renate
Government Agency