The ruling party Taiwan lost local elections

@RIA Novosti
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© AP Photo/ChiangYing-ying the Head of administration Taiwan Tsay Inven after the statement for resignation from a post of the chairman of Democratic progressive party Beijing, 27 Nov — Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". Ruling on Taiwan Democratic progressive party Taiwan, supporting independence of the island and against rapprochement with Beijing, lost elections in local authorities, final data of Central Election Commission of the island testify. So, candidates from opposition party of Guomindan held posts of chapters of 13 administrative units, including four of six largest megalopolises, where...
Tsay Inven
Last position: President of the Republic of China (President of Republic of China)
Su Chzhenchan
Last position: Prime minister (Government (Executive Yuan) Republic of China (Taiwan))
Political ideology:Liberalism, centrism, anticommunism, "the Taiwan nationalism", independence of Taiwan.
Political ideology:Conservatism, republicanism, anticommunism,\u000aChinese nationalism