Chapter of Communist Party of the Russian Federation Udmurt Republic will be brought to to justice for failure to pay 41 million rubles of taxes
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The businessman is threatened by two-year term. The head of the Udmurt office of Communist Party of the Russian Federation to Alexander Syrov who took part recently in elections of the head of the region, is threatened by court on criminal case. As reports information agency "RIA Novosti", it accuse of failure to pay taxes for the sum of 41 million rubles. Information on it appeared on a site of SUSK Udmurt Republic. Department explained that the politician passes as the person involved on criminal case about evasion from taxes in the large size. The consequence found out that Cheeses, being the director the Izhevsk LLC "Bastion" which firm is engaged in wholesale trade in motor-equipment and spare parts, in declarations...
Alexander Syrov
Last position: Director (LLC "BASTION")
Political ideology:Socialism of the 21st century, communism, Marxism-Leninism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, patriotism.
LLC "Bastion"