Artem Manukyan left "Lada" day later after signing contracts: "It became clear that the director looked after the hockey player on this place. It is the former agent"
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It became known why Artem Manukyan leaves "Lada". On November 22 contract was signed with the forward, and next day contract terminated. "With Artem Manukyan and "Lada" cheerfully it turned out. The day before yesterday in the evening he signed contract and when came to training next morning, him called to the sports director. There declared that contracts will not be. "I signed everything", – the hockey player was surprised. "But I signed nothing", – the sports director Maslennikov parried. The trainer's staff too was surprised. It became clear that Maslennikov already looked after the hockey player on this place. It is the former agent, and former...
Artem Manukyan
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (ASSOCIATION "XK "AVANGARD")
Shevchenko Aleksey